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A successful example of business development in the retail

Kochkor, Naryn Oblast

Batma Isakzhanova is a loyal customer of the Bank, which has been developing her business for 10 years with the Kompanion.  In 2007 Batma took her first group loan to develop her business.  In the store operated by a woman, there is almost everything: food, soap and clothes - the client can buy everything in one place.

 "For the first five years I traded goods on the market, then decided to take out a loan and bought a small store.  From the time I borrowed a loan from the Kompanion Bank, my life has changed qualitatively.  Now I do not have to stand in the market as before, most of the companies come to me and can buy the goods on the spot.  As soon as the store started to make a profit, I was able to buy a site near the place of my business and build a house.  This is very convenient: you can open the store early in the morning, and close late, because you do not need to go home.  This schedule allows you to increase revenue.  I regularly pay taxes and financially help two of my adult daughters who are already married and have their own families.  Business is all on me, but I get used to it and I like what I'm doing, "explains the entrepreneur.

 Young businessmen who are just starting their business in retail and plan to take a loan, Batma advises saving little by little everyday.  Then at the end of the month it will be possible to repay the debt without any difficulties and there will be no delays. 

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